Queen's Tingz Self-care: Tips and Tricks to Start Your Self-care Journey

Queen's Tingz Self-care: Tips and Tricks to Start Your Self-care Journey

Hi, my loves welcome! I wanted to start this blog off by saying here is a safe place for conversations and helpful tips to master the art of self-care. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's well-being and happiness. So that definition may bring you to ask, "Well how do I achieve that?" And that's when I say, "Welcome to Queen's Tingz Selfcare a blog curated to help you on your journey of self-love!"

We are all on the journey of learning how to take care of ourselves and master controlling/managing our feelings. It's tough to do, so I'm here to tell you, don't beat yourself up! Think of me as your Self-care guru! We are going on this journey together! Taking care of oneself, catering to your every need, even when you're not quite sure what you want or what will make you happy in the moment takes practice. That's why when it comes to self-care it's a step-by-step process and take it one day at a time.

Black woman with a head scarf turban with quote "Self-care isn't selfish"

Self-care can present itself in many forms to help you manage yourself. Self-care can be done mentally, physically, or spiritually. Some examples of those forms can be treating yourself to a spa day, a nature walk, or even down to meditation. As you read that last sentence, what was the first thing that pops into your mind that reminds you of your happy place, where everything is calm, Zen, and relaxed? Can you pinpoint that moment or activity right now? Cool, now use that as a form of self-care!

Now, that we are getting a good understanding of Self-care and how to begin to explore all its aspects, remember it’s easy to be on a focused path and become distracted. In this world with so many distractions, situations, and different energies you face throughout the day it's hard to remember to check in with yourself and to stay focused on your well-being. Especially if you're an extremely helpful person. The one, when things go left a family member or friend can always depend on you to fix it. Yeah, I'm talking to you! I'm here to tell you it's ok to think of yourself and your well-being first. It's ok to ask yourself "What have I done for me today" before you take on thirty different tasks for everyone else. I want to pass on this one saying that stuck with me in my self-care journey "How can you pour into someone else's cup if yours is only halfway empty?"

Remember constantly pouring into others when you're depleting your energy doesn't serve them well and doesn’t serve you as well. How? Because you're not even at your best! Think about it, if you go full out in practice before the big game or competition, are you even going to have the energy to play at your best capabilities? No! Because now you're exhausted, and you just want to go home at that point. So, keep that saying in mind as it will serve as a useful tip! In the meantime, I would love to list some of the most helpful strategies that I use on my self-care journey which involves:

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • My daily planner
  • Skincare/Spa Day
  • Walking

Brown women walking together.

The best way to start your journey is by making a list of all the things that bring you joy or helps eases your mind when you're dealing with a stressful situation, or your emotions are high. Review your list and take one thing off the list and do it for that day. Then follow on, for the next day and the next day, see now you're developing a routine of remembering to do something you enjoy for yourself every day! The more you keep practicing this method the more things you learn about yourself and start to implement them on your list as well! Now you're feeling happier and at peace with yourself and everything around you.


Natural Beauty by Q4Queen


Remember greatness is perfected with time, so keep in mind to keep practicing becoming your best self. Hopefully, I was able to help encourage you to take that first step into YOUR journey of self-care! I also wanted to share with you guys that I create products that can aid you on your Self-care journey whether it's beauty, hair care, and more! I will be adding plenty of products to my site so be on the lookout for that! Skin, hair, and nails are so therapeutic to me! Which makes it one of my fav things to do when I need a total reset. "When you look good, you feel good" And I do feel good when I take the time to tend to myself! A few ways I do so is by making sure my skin is glowing, my hair is healthy, and my nails are strong! It brings me so much joy I can have a business where I can create products for people who utilize this same strategy to help them feel good about themselves! So, check out more future blogs from me and goodies on our website!

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